Canaanite Peoples


Question: What happened to the Canaanites?  Are they related to modern-day Palestinians, or do they live in other parts of Syria or Lebanon (or elsewhere)?


Interesting question!

The Bible gives the distinct information that they are related to Nephilim, see Links below.

That they were enemies of Almighty God by extension, is clear from numerous references in the Old Testament, and particularly in Zech. 14:21 which is yet future; which implies the opposite at the present!

One theory (unproven) is that they were mixed with Nephilim, and downsized over generations, as it seems that both Saul and David did not remove them all!

The idea’s and discussions continue!


Nephilim, who were they, and why?

Nephilim Origin!

Nephilim and Large Structures

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